Challenging perception

Being comfortable with being uncomfortable

“Merely recognizing things as you were taught … is not profound perception,” says poet-photographer-philosopher Thomas Peace. I began following his blog because of his achingly lovely close-ups of flowers and butterflies and bees and all things bountiful and growing. I nearly stopped following him a few days after I’d started because of the colored filters he uses to alter the natural photos into something weird, electric and otherworldly, at times garish and off-putting to my conventional way of looking at things and honest preference for untouched images.

Here’s why I didn’t:

He challenges my eyes. He challenges my aesthetic. He challenges my conscience. I savor his entries as much for what I resist as for what I appreciate.

Doubling up on the theme of ease within discomfort, I’m blogging today on my iPad, using the iHome keyboard that I resist using because it doesn’t feel as natural to me as my laptop keyboard.

What new, slightly uncomfortable activity will you take on today?

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